Tonight I have a hot date with Mr. Clean.

One of the perks of my job is that every night could be a Friday night. My job involves little planning, and the generous work day schedule, which usually runs between 2pm-9pm, allows me to party until the wee hours of the morning. The downside to my job is the pathetic, shitty pay.

I'm notorious for my horrible impulsive spending habits. Just look at my closet for proof. Last week I went on a shopping rampage in Hiroshima. When I'm PMS'ing whilst in the midst of endless racks of clothes, I lose all my inhibitions. I buy things just for the sake of buying things. Bringing home several carrier bags with new products delivers a natural high that is more satisfying than chocolate or a man. (Okay, maybe not the latter.) And somehow, during the majority of my time here in Japan, my menstrual cycle has appropriately timed itself to appear whenever my monthly payday rolls around.

It gets worse. I'm the complete antithesis of a homebody. I LOVElovelove to go out. My students and those who know me around here have dubbed me "Genki Karen" because I jump at every opportunity presented to get out of the house. I can enjoy grocery shopping as much as I do going to the local art gallery. During the weeknights I make an effort to go out at least three times. Every Wednesday night is unofficial UNO cards night at Mary's apartment. Thursday nights, after teaching six one-hour classes, are always spent either at the bar, yakitoriya, or the izakaya, rain/shine/tsunami/or typhoon. I've become such a regular at the local Irish pub (Ell's Ditch) that I get the occassional drink or snack free, courtesy of the bartenders. I also go out so much that people, even the locals, refer to me for restaurant/bar/cafe suggestions. But this gallivanting habit is just as financially fatal as my shopping addiction.

So here I am for the first time on a Saturday night at HOME. The lovely Shimenoseki ladies were kind enough to invite me along for a crazy night in Hiroshima tonight. Crystal also gave me a heads up on the rugby game/party/BBQ extravaganza at Miyajima this weekend. But I'm spending this weekend here in sad, lowly Tokuyama. Because there are bills to be paid (damn you fucking keitai bill), and a trip to China to plan for, I'm left with no choice but to make the responsible decision and take it easy. My mother (a CPA) would be so proud.

Monday night I'm going to make up for my shitty weekend. AUSTRALIA vs. JAPAN WORLD CUP PARTY AT BANANA LEAF. Ahhhh, I'll be surrounded by my hottttt European male friends (and one hot New Zealand guy) so hopefully I'll get over it.

Oh well. The bathroom needed a good scrubbing anyway.

Ladies and gentlemen, introducing my hot date for the evening:

And for tonight he's allllllll minnnnnnnnnnnnnne, bitches.