- Cockroaches. Big ones, small ones, fat ones, flying ones, I hate them all. Even if sometime down the road, scientists discovered that they held the secret cure to cancer, diabetes, impotence, world hunger, and/or pre-mature bailding, I'd still hate them.
- Getting stuck in bumper-to-bumper rush hour traffic with the sun glaring directly at your eyes. Oh yeah, and the A/C's busted too.
- Diarrhea and getting it when there is no toilet to be found for miles and miles away. Or the lethal combination of PMS cramps, diarrhea, and a pounding migraine. Because, yeah, life isn't fair sometimes.
- Credit card bills because sometimes I do wish that money grew on trees.
- My 2 o'clock conversation class with Sachiko. I'd rather talk to a rock. Actually, I might as well talk to a rock because she is possibly the dullest person I have ever met. I'm totally convinced she has a personality deficiency because she is completely devoid of any opinion or thought! I dread Thursdays because I know that for one hour of the day I'm going to have to suffer through at least 30 minutes of awkward silences and bouts of "soo, how was your weekend?" I've tried coming up with brilliant plans for class, but they quickly go to the wayside as she never gives me any feedback. Her sentences usually comprise of short mumbles mixed in with grunts and a string of multiple "oh's". Forget about talking about social issues, politics, or relationships.....forget about talking at all. Gah. Her class gives me a headache.
On the other hand....
After Sachiko's class, I teach my two adorable level 1 students, Asae and Yuka. They say teachers shouldn't play favorites, but if Sachiko is on one polar end of the spectrum, then these girls are on the opposite end, ifyaknowwhatimsayin.
We just learned the adjective "ugly" in this picture and this was their best interpretation of it.
Oh the diarehea onw I can relate to. I almost shit myself in India once. It was horrible :-)...
Oh and the dull conversation. I hear you with them. I have them everday!
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